TODAY: 21 December 2024 Time is now 14:36 (GMT)
11:04 AM
On 21 December 2024 (today) in Caistor St Edmund the sun will rise (civil sunrise) at 11:04 AM.
10:22 AM
9:37 AM
8:56 AM
6:42 PM
On 21 December 2024 (today) in Caistor St Edmund the sun will set (civil sunset) at 6:42 PM.
7:24 PM
8:08 PM
8:50 PM
The above times show the sunrise and sunset times for today in Caistor St Edmund, Norfolk. For the dawn, sunrise, dusk and sunset times for the next two months in Caistor St Edmund see the table below.
Date | Sunrise | Sunset | Zenith | Twilight Begins | Twilight Ends |
Sat Dec 21 | 11:04 | 18:42 | 14:53 | 10:22 | 19:24 |
Sun Dec 22 | 11:04 | 18:43 | 14:53 | 10:22 | 19:24 |
Mon Dec 23 | 11:04 | 18:43 | 14:54 | 10:23 | 19:25 |
Tue Dec 24 | 11:05 | 18:44 | 14:54 | 10:23 | 19:26 |
Wed Dec 25 | 11:05 | 18:45 | 14:55 | 10:23 | 19:26 |
Thu Dec 26 | 11:05 | 18:45 | 14:55 | 10:24 | 19:27 |
Fri Dec 27 | 11:05 | 18:46 | 14:56 | 10:24 | 19:28 |
Sat Dec 28 | 11:05 | 18:47 | 14:56 | 10:24 | 19:29 |
Sun Dec 29 | 11:05 | 18:48 | 14:57 | 10:24 | 19:29 |
Mon Dec 30 | 11:05 | 18:49 | 14:57 | 10:24 | 19:30 |
Tue Dec 31 | 11:05 | 18:50 | 14:58 | 10:24 | 19:31 |
Wed Jan 01 | 11:05 | 18:51 | 14:58 | 10:24 | 19:32 |
Thu Jan 02 | 11:05 | 18:52 | 14:59 | 10:24 | 19:33 |
Fri Jan 03 | 11:05 | 18:54 | 14:59 | 10:24 | 19:34 |
Sat Jan 04 | 11:04 | 18:55 | 15:00 | 10:24 | 19:36 |
Sun Jan 05 | 11:04 | 18:56 | 15:00 | 10:23 | 19:37 |
Mon Jan 06 | 11:04 | 18:57 | 15:00 | 10:23 | 19:38 |
Tue Jan 07 | 11:03 | 18:59 | 15:01 | 10:23 | 19:39 |
Wed Jan 08 | 11:02 | 19:00 | 15:01 | 10:22 | 19:40 |
Thu Jan 09 | 11:02 | 19:02 | 15:02 | 10:22 | 19:42 |
Fri Jan 10 | 11:01 | 19:03 | 15:02 | 10:21 | 19:43 |
Sat Jan 11 | 11:01 | 19:04 | 15:03 | 10:21 | 19:44 |
Sun Jan 12 | 11:00 | 19:06 | 15:03 | 10:20 | 19:46 |
Mon Jan 13 | 10:59 | 19:08 | 15:03 | 10:19 | 19:47 |
Tue Jan 14 | 10:58 | 19:09 | 15:04 | 10:18 | 19:49 |
Wed Jan 15 | 10:57 | 19:11 | 15:04 | 10:18 | 19:50 |
Thu Jan 16 | 10:56 | 19:12 | 15:04 | 10:17 | 19:52 |
Fri Jan 17 | 10:55 | 19:14 | 15:05 | 10:16 | 19:53 |
Sat Jan 18 | 10:54 | 19:16 | 15:05 | 10:15 | 19:55 |
Sun Jan 19 | 10:53 | 19:17 | 15:05 | 10:14 | 19:56 |
Mon Jan 20 | 10:52 | 19:19 | 15:06 | 10:13 | 19:58 |
Tue Jan 21 | 10:51 | 19:21 | 15:06 | 10:12 | 20:00 |
Wed Jan 22 | 10:49 | 19:23 | 15:06 | 10:11 | 20:01 |
Thu Jan 23 | 10:48 | 19:25 | 15:06 | 10:10 | 20:03 |
Fri Jan 24 | 10:47 | 19:26 | 15:07 | 10:09 | 20:04 |
Sat Jan 25 | 10:45 | 19:28 | 15:07 | 10:07 | 20:06 |
Sun Jan 26 | 10:44 | 19:30 | 15:07 | 10:06 | 20:08 |
Mon Jan 27 | 10:43 | 19:32 | 15:07 | 10:05 | 20:10 |
Tue Jan 28 | 10:41 | 19:34 | 15:07 | 10:04 | 20:11 |
Wed Jan 29 | 10:40 | 19:36 | 15:08 | 10:02 | 20:13 |
Thu Jan 30 | 10:38 | 19:37 | 15:08 | 10:01 | 20:15 |
Fri Jan 31 | 10:36 | 19:39 | 15:08 | 09:59 | 20:16 |
Sat Feb 01 | 10:35 | 19:41 | 15:08 | 09:58 | 20:18 |
Sun Feb 02 | 10:33 | 19:43 | 15:08 | 09:56 | 20:20 |
Mon Feb 03 | 10:31 | 19:45 | 15:08 | 09:55 | 20:22 |
Tue Feb 04 | 10:30 | 19:47 | 15:08 | 09:53 | 20:23 |
Wed Feb 05 | 10:28 | 19:49 | 15:08 | 09:52 | 20:25 |
Thu Feb 06 | 10:26 | 19:51 | 15:08 | 09:50 | 20:27 |
Fri Feb 07 | 10:24 | 19:53 | 15:08 | 09:48 | 20:29 |
Sat Feb 08 | 10:23 | 19:54 | 15:09 | 09:46 | 20:31 |
Sun Feb 09 | 10:21 | 19:56 | 15:09 | 09:45 | 20:32 |
Mon Feb 10 | 10:19 | 19:58 | 15:09 | 09:43 | 20:34 |
Tue Feb 11 | 10:17 | 20:00 | 15:09 | 09:41 | 20:36 |
Wed Feb 12 | 10:15 | 20:02 | 15:09 | 09:39 | 20:38 |
Thu Feb 13 | 10:13 | 20:04 | 15:08 | 09:38 | 20:39 |
Fri Feb 14 | 10:11 | 20:06 | 15:08 | 09:36 | 20:41 |
Sat Feb 15 | 10:09 | 20:08 | 15:08 | 09:34 | 20:43 |
Sun Feb 16 | 10:07 | 20:10 | 15:08 | 09:32 | 20:45 |
Mon Feb 17 | 10:05 | 20:12 | 15:08 | 09:30 | 20:47 |
Tue Feb 18 | 10:03 | 20:13 | 15:08 | 09:28 | 20:48 |
Wed Feb 19 | 10:01 | 20:15 | 15:08 | 09:26 | 20:50 |
Other nearby towns may have slightly different sunrise and sunset times than Caistor St Edmund. Choose another town/village for detailed information.
Daylight Length | 7hrs 38mins |
Latitude | 52.579058 |
Longitude | 1.289899 |
Zenith | 02:53 |
Postcode |
The above image shows today's lunar phase, and will appear in the sky in this shape tonight. This represents the amount of the moon (the crescent) that will be visible from the earth, and depends on how much of it will be lit up by our sun.
Wondering what the difference is between civil twilight, nautical twilight and astronomical twilight times?
You may have come across the page because you wanted to find out what the sunrise or sunset times are for the Caistor St Edmund area. Let's explain what those differences are, and how the different metrics are used.
Civil twilight Also known as 'civil dawn', this time begins when the geometric centre of the sun is 6° below the horizon. It also ends when the sun's centre reaches 0°50' below the horizon (dusk) Look out for the brightest planets during dusk and dawn - Venus (the morning star) can sometimes be seen by the naked eye during civil twilight.
Nautical twilight Also known as 'first light'. This begins when the geometric centre of the sun is 12° below the horizon, and ends when the centre reaches 0°50' below the horizon. Useful for sailors and navigators when the brightest stars and the sea's horizon is visible.
Astronomical twilight Defined as when the geometric centre of the sun is 18° below the earth's horizon. At this time (beginning and end of astronomical twilight) the skies should still appear completely dark to the naked eye, and all visible stars (on a clear night) can be seen.
Please note that all times predicted for Caistor St Edmund are based on ideal weather conditions, and should be used as an approximate guide. We cannot be held liable for any incorrect data that our calculations return.